9월, 2019의 게시물 표시

[Tech With Tim] Python Voice Assistant Tutorial #9 - Waking the Assistant

** 챗봇 활성화(호출) 하기 -  Text-Based Tutorial: https://techwithtim.net/tutorials/voi...

[Tech With Tim] Python Voice Assistant Tutorial #8 - Opening Programs/Applications

** 파이썬 코드 내에서 다른 프로그램 열기 - Notepad(메모장)를 열고, 사용자가 적어 놓도록 지시한 내용을 쓰고, 저장하기 -  Text-Based Tutorial: https://techwithtim.net/tutorials/voi...

[Tech With Tim] PyQt5 Tutorial - MenuBar (Shortcuts, Status Bar and Triggers)

This pyqt5 tutorial will show you how to create menubars with qt. We will be adding shortcuts, status bar hints and triggering functions to run when certain menubar items are pressed. ○ Qt-Designer, MenuBar(Shortcuts, Status Bar and Triggers) 만들기 ○ Text-Based Tutorial: https://techwithtim.net/tutorials/pyq...

[Tech With Tim] PyQt5 Tutorial - How to Use Qt Designer

○ Qt-Designer 사용하는 방법 - pyqt5-tools 다운로드, 설치 - 설치 후 designer 앱 위치: Lib / sit-packages / pyqt5-tools  ○ Command to turn .ui to .py pyuic5 –x "filename".ui –o "filename".py

[Tech With Tim] PyQt5 Tutorial - Buttons and Events (Signals)

○ 버튼과 이벤트 만들기 This PyQt5 tutorial will show you how to create buttons and trigger certain functions to run when they are clicked. It will also show you how to turn our previous code into an OOP implementation to make things easier moving forward. ○ Text-Based Tutorial: https://techwithtim.net/tutorials/pyq...

[Tech With Tim] Python Voice Assistant Tutorial #7 - Speaking Events (With Pyttsx3)

○ Speaking Event - 특정 날짜의 이벤트 음성 알림 - pyttsx3 사용 In this tutorial we will add to our previously created functions to get our assistant to speak out events that we have on a specific day. We will be using pyttsx3 to do this. ○ Text-Based Tutorial: https://techwithtim.net/tutorials/voi...

[Tech With Tim] Python Voice Assistant Tutorial #6 - Google Calendar Events on a Specific Day

#Python #Voice #Assistant #Tutorial - 구글 캘린더에서 특정 날짜의 이벤트 가져오기 - #PyAudio - #gTTS (google text to speech) - #SpeechRecognition - #playsound - #pyttsx3 Text to Speech x-platform, gTTS 대체 ○ Text-Based Tutorial: https://techwithtim.net/tutorials/voi...